First impressions can last a lifetime


Jerr Cedrick Climacosa Ricafort
Effective Communication Group 2
SIT Dover

15 January 2019


Ms. Gan Sujia
Effective Communication Tutor
SIT Dover

Subject: Introduction Letter

Dear Ms. Gan Sujia,

My name is Jerr Cedrick Climacosa Ricafort, my peers often refer to me as Jerr. I am a student currently under your Effective Communication Class, Group 2 under the SIT Work-Study programme. I decided to pursue a degree after working for 2 years for my current company, SG-Glass Pte. Ltd, as a glass specialist. My job scope encompasses quality control and sales, the ability to communicate both in words and messages is very crucial.

By placing myself in situations where I can improve as go about my daily life, I was able to cultivate and practice my communication skills. I improved my rapport and story telling, to put it nicely, through my part-time job as a sales executive. Where I once was shy to speak publicly, my current job has gave the opportunity capture my flaws and improve on it. The vocal communications are easier to capture as your audience is able to signal whether you are doing it well.

There are some skills that cant be improved alone. Such skills that I would like to improve on are written reports and letters to better provide a convincing and coherent submission. Format, research and presentation, all things that are key in written reports,which I know could be better and I want to be better.

Thank you for taking the time to read about me and I do hope I can learn much from you too.

Yours sincerely,

Jerr Cedrick

Effective Communication Group 2

6 thoughts on “First impressions can last a lifetime

  1. Dear Jerr,
    Expand on your strengths and weakness when it comes to your communication skills. While you did provide an extensive background about yourself, ensure that you are aware of what this assignment requires. Read through your letter once more to ensure that your sentences are coherent. For example, after you’ve described your job scope, you went on to state that CVE is the “optimal course to take”. Explain how so and why, in order to bridge the gap between the two ideas.

    Additionally, take note of how you phrase your ideas – “widen my skills on written reports” can be better worded as, “improve my skills when it comes to written reports…”
    Gan Sujia


  2. Hi Jerr,

    As a fellow Work-Study-Program peer, I understand your constant heavy workload and you trying your best to attend lesson and doing what you can for your self-learning.
    I do hope to see you more often in classes and lectures to understand you further.
    Although I cannot comment much as I don’t see you as often, I do hope you achieve what you set up to achieve fr the module and best of luck for the coming exams.



  3. Hi Jerr,

    As I read through your letter, I felt that some information such as the course that you are studying was not included. I felt that such information is important and should be included in this letter.
    Some of your pronouns are missing as well, for example, in the second paragraph “…can improve as go about my daily life…”, it should be “… can improve as *I* go about my daily life…”

    Best Regards,


  4. Dear Jerr,

    I personally feel that you are one of the best presenters during the oral presentation. I know that it is difficult juggling work and school but I wish you well and hope that you are able to strive through it.

    A point to take note for your self-introduction letter:
    1) “current job has given me the opportunity to capture my flaws” instead of “current job has gave the opportunity capture my flaws”.



  5. Dear Jerr,

    Your presentation was superb and I feel that you are one of the best presentation in our class. Your letter was done nicely, however some information in your letter u did not include for example the course you taking in SIT.



  6. Hi Jerr,

    Your confidence in speaking fluently to the masses is commendable. It is clear you are exposed frequently to situations where you need to speak alot. Your letter is pretty solid other than some flaws in your tenses and subject verb agreement. You have described your job scope in detail and you seem to be a professional at what you do, however you did not touch on your motivation for taking up this civil engineering course. From my perspective as I read your letter, it would seem that you are enrolled in a business or communication related course. Just my two cents. Cheers 😀

    Best regards,
    Hong Xiang


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