Reflection on Entrepreneurs moving to sustainability

Insightful and thought-provoking, words that I would describe the experience whilst listening to the speakers. The conference was simple, 4 guests were on stage, all entrepreneurs that made a push to sustainability in different fields. Mr. Shamir Rahim from Versafleet Pte. Ltd. was about transport, Mr. Zach Wilson from Alfatech was in architectural, Ms. Nancy Ling from EcoU Pte. Ltd. was in eco-cutlery and Mr. Eugene Wong from Sirius Venture Capital Pte. Ltd. was in venture capitalism. Their talks were insightful showing me angles which I would never have thought of had I not gone. Some keys notes are innovating through efficiency, early engagement and optimization, change of normalcy and financial opportunity.

Their talk has really shown that there are many benefits to sustainability. It pushes use to improve on what we have been doing, thinking that it’s the best way to do it. It pushes us out of comfort zone to achieve even better result. The benefits does not stop financially but it also helps our well-being and the environment. They came to talk about the hardships they faced but brought it across lightly, maybe to not demoralize keen individuals. However it made me realize that having an extremely goal-driven-never-say-die attitude is needed to succeed as an entrepreneur.

With all these gains comes a cost. The cost of many who have failed. Moving towards sustainability is not an easy task, like climbing a very step slope, failure has almost no safety to cushion your fall. I fully support the push for sustainability but the fact remains that it is not easy and failing is extremely detrimental. I strongly believe we should not sugar coat this fact but instead prepare and aid those who are willing to take step for progress.

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